EveryDatastore Frontend Installation
1. Clone EveryDataStoreFrontend into your frontend directory:
git clone https://github.com/EveryDataStore/EveryDataStoreFrontend /var/www/frontend-directory/
2. Open the files /var/www/frontend-directory/src/environments/environment.local.ts and /var/www/frontend-directory/src/environments/environment.prod.ts and edit them:
apiUrl: 'https://your-backend-url/restful/', // Backend-API-URL
demoMode: false, // true means only admins have read and write permissions and users have only read
production: false //
3. Run npm install in frontend directory /var/www/frontend-directory/:
npm install
4. Run ng serve in frontend directory /var/www/frontend-directory/:
ng serve
5. Go to your browser and open the app: