
“Member” is an entity of the EveryDataStore entity model. Specifically, it is a model of EveryDataStore solution.
Technical details about this model can be found in Technical Documentation.

Members represent company's employees.
It is a database that stores information about each person that is using the EveryDataStore solution.
Entries of this database are used as actors in a workflow model or as an internal contact persons for the communication with customers
in the CRM model.

A member can have a role of administrator of a particular DataStore.
Member can also be part of different “Groups” and with it inherit their responsibilities and rights.

Database that holds information about all members can be found under “Members” option within “Administration” menu.

Whenever a new user of the EveryDataStore is added, by clicking on the "New" button in the upper left corner,
the following form shall be filled in:


Table below briefly explains each field or tab of the web form:

Field Name



Specifies whether the member is currently active or not; non active members are unable to login

Send password reset link to user Email

Checking this field will trigger onetime event of sending the password reset link to the user's email address

First name

First name of the member


Last name of the member


Email address of the member

Interface Language

Specifies in which language the interface shall be translated to for the member


Specifies in which workspace the member is created in


Tab in which it can be specified which workspace the member will be able to use


Tab in which it can be specified to which groups member will belong to


Tab in which an image, icon or figure representing a member can be added

Data is saved by clicking on "Save" or "Save & exit" button in the lower left corner of the page.
The form can be exited without saving the data by clicking on the "Cancel" button in the lower right corner of the page.

All properties of an existing member can be edited by clicking on "Edit" button of the desired member:

 Next to the "Edit" button, there is also the "Delete" button, which would remove the member from the database.